Monday, May 30, 2011

A great reading list!!

I have so many books to read - so look forward to curling up under my 'throw' and  checking them out.  I have almost finished one of my Kindle books, the very sad story of the children in the orphanage in China, and I look forward to reading Cindy Vine's book, but today the postman delivered the last of my Amazon order from a couple of weeks ago.  It is "The Last Days of Old Beijing" by Michael Meyer.

Readers will know now of my passion for things Chinese - so I am really keen to explore within the covers of this book, but it will have to wait.  Semester II has started and my reading for that is huge too, so I will work my way through the study books, and relax in the evening provided all assignments are up to date, by reading my novels.

I am a passionate e-book reader on my Kindle, and I find myself in 'arguments' with some folk who are passionately against this technology.  The idea of not having a 'real' book to hold is hard for some to comprehend.  My reading has increased since I have had my Kindle.  I can't imagine not reading 'real' books, but I find my Kindle so very useful.  I can read so much more in the bus/train than I would with a 'real' book, as it is easier to find one's place - easier to close and reopen when it suits me.

It is lighter and smaller than most good books too - and as an inveterate traveller, I find it awesome to keep me amused for long trips or waiting in airports.  And I can read it when it is dark as I bought the cover with the light.

I have found it easier to use - and yes, the one in the illustration above is the one I purchased, and I am in awe at the speed at which it downloads books for me.  So easy.

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